Saturday 19 November 2011

A Little Treat

This is the first weekend since September that I have not had something going on and I am absolutely loving it! The weather here is getting to the point that you freeze when you get outside, so staying in and sitting by the fire was what I had in mind for my first lazy Saturday in awhile.....

But instead I decided to head over to the airport with Tim and Andres for a little bit of fun. I never knew Andres had never seen the airport before or really seen planes take off and land, so Tim decided to surprise him and take him there.  Though it may seem like it is not a big deal because we all have seen the airport and been on a plane, it was really special to see how excited Andres was when we got to the airport and he figured out what we were doing. He did a dance or five and had the biggest smile on his face.  I too have never been to just watch airplanes land and takeoff, so I thought it was really fun to see them go by! 

Now its back to sitting by the fire and reading my book, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the little adventure with Tim and Andres!

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